
Friday, March 11, 2022

Having a Mind Full of Tranquility and Serenity

 What do you think?

You wake up every day with perfect vitality, with a mind full of calm and serenity. A gentle breeze blows through the window curtain to meet you in bed.

Everything is put together and you are sure to repeat the successful days you have enjoyed over the past few days.

* breathe ...

I enjoy this result myself ... it suits me.

If you have never enjoyed the same level of constant calm or are unsure if you can repeat every happy and exciting day you saw for the last time. Right now, in front of you, that will change. Because I will show you why this effect is unplanned in your life and how you can automatically make it happen today, tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow ... and next ... and ... tomorrow.

You have heard the word mindfulness. He knows the meaning and thinks he understands what it means. In fact, you can define it in more than 3 different ways.

But ...

It has no lasting effect on peace. You do not fight for your day every day. I'm not saying you don't understand the word, but you do not.

This is my definition of consciousness: It fills your mind with the strings of deliberate thoughts every second, minute, hour, and day.

A Yoga therapist will tell you that meditation is a way to feel the mind. All right! So what happens after meditation?

Satan talking again? From a distance away from your organized thought?

Hmmm ... I don't think so.

The mind is a powerful part of humanity. But most of us fail to develop our strengths.

You can edit your thought. You can keep a certain pattern of thinking in order to achieve an endless flow of joy, happiness, and serenity. You can also try a series of words, statements, quotes, phrases or paragraphs to see which ones keep you organized, happy, and do more without struggling.

The point is: you can truly design your inner peace.

Whenever you are ready to start designing your own peace of mind pattern - I think you should start now, and make sure you don't do anything wrong. Here are the first and most important things to consider.

Source: You have found many words in the Bible that work. There are some quotes that promote art as well. But the most effective and efficient idea comes directly from the mind itself. String relevant statements, thoughts that you already know and believe.

Sort all words that have the least negative effect. By using simple, direct words like the ones you have been reading since. And you will be amazed at how you will deal with the same magnitude, timeless number.

This means that you will always "win by pattern and not by chance".

Now, here's the deal

The habit of thinking. Before you start designing the flow of your mind, the first thing you need to do is clear the areas of your daily events that you are experiencing. Personally, procrastination was my core. If it has happened before, I may have the idea to write you this article, but I bet you, it will not be done because I am too late.

Then, here is the second step I took. I came up with ideas for quotes, inspirational speeches that inform me whenever I want to postpone it. It doesn't have to be complicated. It could be a simple question like Why do you want to do that later? * * C'mon, do it now "joor". Our brain is the fastest computer ever.

I would love for you to see something.

A simple statement I could use; "Why do you want to do that later" with two stars - * * between that two asterisks, my mind would have given me a list of requirements for not doing that. The statement "C'mon, do it now", is a nugget that pulls out a list of real reasons in my mind. You have just 5 seconds to say that statement for yourself, and 5 seconds later to start taking it.

By repeating this process of my procrastination situations, I began to remove that behavior from my life. One thing I can find is that there is not enough reason to stop you from doing what you think you should do.

We have a variety of daily activities, events, and situations (I will not call it a challenge). You can apply this technique to everything and you will start to see the result from then on. Having a mind full of peace and tranquility is closely linked to your conviction of success. If you are confident that you can achieve anything you want, you will definitely stay calm, relaxed, enjoy a lot of fun and enjoy life to the fullest.

Need content on Psychology and Practical Development topics? Being an avid writer on a topic related to how the human brain works. I saw it as a perfect fit for that. Either you need a personal trainer or someone you can trust with problems that trouble your mind. Look at me, I can be helpful.

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