Before you completely eliminate people from your life, think about how you can find a balanced approach first. This includes our bosses and coworkers, brothers and sisters, in-laws; even our family that we may not get along with the 100% of the time. But still, we can find ways to live, work, and even love these people.
There is nothing wrong with staying away from someone while you are communicating. Considering that, it is not really necessary to completely throw the relationship out the door. Maybe, you just need to redefine it in some way.
Sometimes you can start a change by simply changing the way you act in a person by opening a dialogue or dealing directly with his or her behavior. Although these are all valid options still it depends on the situation.
Once you have decided how you will deal with a toxic relationship, the hardest part is following it. Often, the most deceptive and likely to oppose our success are the ones who are the most kind. That means when they hear what's going on, they can quickly change their behavior in response.
But remember, it can be a tempting scheme. As soon as the victim tries to pull away, the abuser changes course and slips back to the old path once the distance is closed again. History repeats itself. I think that they did it deliberately and sometimes could not control their emotional behavior.
You remember about the manipulators, it is up to you to decide if their heart change is a real effort or not. This needs to be re-tested to see if it worked. You probably will soon find out, but keep an eye on the situation, realizing that if things go wrong, you may need to pull the plug completely and let them go.
Arguing and criticizing each other are often the worst ways to deal with marital discord. Even if you decide that your health is better off without someone poisoning, it is not really necessary to have some kind of negative and argumentative conversation. You are not committed to each other, even if you are a family.
Shutting down these people, if done right, is ignored. Sure, there will be situations in your life when your decision encounters a lot of opposition, but, life goes that way sometimes. Many people live without the ability to live up to their ideals. Don't let it get you down.
Remember that every time one door closes, another opens. You will meet new people who will bring new exciting opportunities into your life. It is a painful process but sometimes, it is worth the effort.
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