
Friday, January 28, 2022

The Motivation Myth: What You Really Need to Know to Increase Your Motivation


Have you ever had a day when you seemed incapable of starting? The alarm sounds again when you lie; unwilling to take what appears to be a major step forward in getting out of bed. I was really there wondering .. what is this about? So, I decided to do some research and self-examination and I came to this conclusion that I want to share with you in the hope that it will help you to change your view of inspiration.

There are many myths about your motivation or lack of it.

Let us start with a few common questions:

How do I encourage myself?

How do I find the motivation?

Why can't I be encouraged?

Myth: The false basis for these questions is that inspiration does not exist or you have to do something special to get inspiration. In fact, you may believe that some people are blessed with an internal source of encouragement that flows through them.

Fact: The fact is, you already have all the encouragement you need. Motivation is an endless source of renewable energy available to you. It does not end there, it cannot be taken away, and one person does not get more than another.

Myth: Lack of motivation is a problem. It is the cause of not doing things.

Fact: Lack of motivation is a sign. It takes a deep sense of self-worth to discover the real reason for not doing it.

Think about that for a minute. Your next question may be, once you have all the encouragement you need, what is the problem? The answer lies in your emotional intelligence (EQ). What are your EQ scores in the areas of self-awareness and self-control because these two areas inspire you? Although I do not know the exact answer to that question for you, I can only assume that the problem may be that you choose not to know how and when to inspire us.

Example # 1: Every day you get up and play video games. Your friends and family say you are not inspired. In fact, you are showing great enthusiasm but you are showing inspiration in your desire to play videos and not in places that others have decided are too important.

Example # 2: You go to work every day. It is not uncommon for you to miss work because you understand 1) the reward you get when you go to work and 2) the importance of your role in the job you do. You are encouraged to go to work.

Real Speech: Instead of trying to control your emotions, think of ways to control your emotions. That might be okay. It really depends on you and what you decide is important. Emotional intelligence is about self-awareness and that involves being honest with yourself about what you really want compared to what you say you want.

It is important that we begin to use the inspiration in context. As the above example shows, no one is always “not motivated” just as no one is always “motivated”. Divorce when motivated as opposed to not allowing you to better understand what contributes to your lack of motivation.

So how can you help remove the surrounding noise? Evaluate the three key areas below and you may find that you need to adjust where you put your motivating force.

Three (3) Simple Steps to Understanding and Managing Promotion (CUF):

# 1 - Clarity- What activity or area of ​​your life needs to be promoted? More importantly, why is this important? What effect will it have on you? How will it affect others? Whenever you find yourself feeling down, explain the purpose of the activity. Is it for you or for others? Explain the purpose and benefits of why this particular activity or place is important. This "why" becomes fuel in your tank. It helps to stay focused and lift you when you are ready to fall. Your "why" is the reason we drive you to finish this job so make it great! If you find that this is not what you really want to do, then you need a different conversation with those who hold you in high esteem.

# 2 - Urgency - When do you want to do it? Is it important to do this in the next 2 weeks, in the next 2 years, or in the next 10 years? Be very specific about this part. In order to produce the compelling motivation for change, you have to have a sense of urgency or human nature will take over and we will continue to do what we always do. After all, what is the urgency? This is the idea behind Mel Robbins' 5 Second Rule. You create the urgency of change and do not allow yourself time to make excuses and backslide. 5-4-3-2-1 ... do it!

# 3 - Focus- Now that you understand what and when now comes the way. The first way to move is to change your focus. Simply put, you get what you focus on. If you want to do something, just focus on it. Move it to your priority list. Think about it diligently, start planning, start doing it, don’t let distractions from it, and check it out every day. Additionally, it should somehow fit into your routine. If not, it will sound like inserting a square nail into a circular hole ... it will not work. Lastly, create accountability systems and partners so you can always let go of the phone. If this is very important to you, make time and space in your life, accept the good, and do it.

There are hundreds of other strategies I can list here. However, I believe in keeping things simple because sometimes very small actions create extraordinary results.

As you move forward, always remember ... you do not have to be inspiring, you may just lack your use.

Until next time, all the best for living your amazing life!

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